GRASS GIS 8 Programmer's Manual
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Functions | |
double * | G_alloc_vector (size_t) |
Vector matrix memory allocation. More... | |
double ** | G_alloc_matrix (int, int) |
Matrix memory allocation. More... | |
float * | G_alloc_fvector (size_t) |
Floating point vector memory allocation. More... | |
float ** | G_alloc_fmatrix (int, int) |
Floating point matrix memory allocation. More... | |
void | G_free_vector (double *) |
Vector memory deallocation. More... | |
void | G_free_matrix (double **) |
Matrix memory deallocation. More... | |
void | G_free_fvector (float *) |
Vector memory deallocation. More... | |
void | G_free_fmatrix (float **) |
Floating point matrix memory deallocation. More... | |
int * | G_alloc_ivector (size_t) |
Vector matrix memory allocation. More... | |
int ** | G_alloc_imatrix (int, int) |
Matrix memory allocation. More... | |
void | G_free_ivector (int *) |
Vector memory deallocation. More... | |
void | G_free_imatrix (int **) |
Matrix memory deallocation. More... | |
int | fft (int, double *[2], int, int, int) |
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array. More... | |
int | fft2 (int, double(*)[2], int, int, int) |
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array. More... | |
double | G_math_rand_gauss (double) |
long | G_math_max_pow2 (long n) |
Finds least power of 2 >= n More... | |
long | G_math_min_pow2 (long n) |
Finds largest power of 2 <= n More... | |
void | G_math_srand (int) |
Seed the pseudo-random number generator. More... | |
int | G_math_srand_auto (void) |
Seed the pseudo-random number generator from the time and PID. More... | |
float | G_math_rand (void) |
int | del2g (double *[2], int, double) |
int | getg (double, double *[2], int) |
int | G_math_egvorder (double *, double **, long) |
int | G_math_complex_mult (double *v1[2], int size1, double *v2[2], int size2, double *v3[2], int size3) |
int | G_ludcmp (double **, int, int *, double *) |
LU decomposition. More... | |
void | G_lubksb (double **a, int n, int *indx, double b[]) |
LU backward substitution. More... | |
int | G_math_findzc (double conv[], int size, double zc[], double thresh, int num_orients) |
Finds locations and orientations of zero crossings. More... | |
int | G_math_solv (double **, double *, int) |
Solve a general linear system A*x = b. More... | |
int | G_math_solvps (double **, double *, int) |
Solve a symmetric positive definite linear system S*x = b. More... | |
void | G_math_solvtd (double *, double *, double *, double *, int) |
Solve a tridiagonal linear system M*x = y. More... | |
int | G_math_solvru (double **, double *, int) |
int | G_math_minv (double **, int) |
Invert (in place) a general real matrix A -> Inv(A). More... | |
int | G_math_psinv (double **, int) |
Invert (in place) a symmetric real matrix, V -> Inv(V). More... | |
int | G_math_ruinv (double **, int) |
Invert an upper right triangular matrix T -> Inv(T). More... | |
void | G_math_eigval (double **, double *, int) |
Compute the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix A. More... | |
void | G_math_eigen (double **, double *, int) |
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A. More... | |
double | G_math_evmax (double **, double *, int) |
int | G_math_svdval (double *, double **, int, int) |
Compute the singular values of a real m by n matrix A. More... | |
int | G_math_sv2val (double *, double **, int, int) |
Compute singular values when m >> n. More... | |
int | G_math_svduv (double *, double **, double **, int, double **, int) |
int | G_math_sv2uv (double *, double **, double **, int, double **, int) |
Compute the singular value transformation when m >> n. More... | |
int | G_math_svdu1v (double *, double **, int, double **, int) |
Compute the singular value transformation with A overloaded by the partial U-matrix. More... | |
G_math_spvector * | G_math_alloc_spvector (int) |
Allocate memory for a sparse vector. More... | |
G_math_spvector ** | G_math_alloc_spmatrix (int) |
Allocate memory for a sparse matrix. More... | |
void | G_math_free_spmatrix (G_math_spvector **, int) |
Release the memory of the sparse matrix. More... | |
void | G_math_free_spvector (G_math_spvector *) |
Release the memory of the sparse vector. More... | |
int | G_math_add_spvector (G_math_spvector **, G_math_spvector *, int) |
Adds a sparse vector to a sparse matrix at position row. More... | |
G_math_spvector ** | G_math_A_to_Asp (double **, int, double) |
Convert a quadratic matrix into a sparse matrix. More... | |
double ** | G_math_Asp_to_A (G_math_spvector **, int) |
Convert a sparse matrix into a quadratic matrix. More... | |
double ** | G_math_Asp_to_sband_matrix (G_math_spvector **, int, int) |
Convert a symmetric sparse matrix into a symmetric band matrix. More... | |
G_math_spvector ** | G_math_sband_matrix_to_Asp (double **, int, int, double) |
Convert a symmetric band matrix into a sparse matrix. More... | |
void | G_math_print_spmatrix (G_math_spvector **, int) |
print the sparse matrix Asp to stdout More... | |
void | G_math_Ax_sparse (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of sparse matrix **Asp and vector x. More... | |
double ** | G_math_matrix_to_sband_matrix (double **, int, int) |
Convert a symmetrix matrix into a symmetric band matrix. More... | |
double ** | G_math_sband_matrix_to_matrix (double **, int, int) |
Convert a symmetric band matrix into a symmetric matrix. More... | |
void | G_math_Ax_sband (double **A, double *x, double *y, int rows, int bandwidth) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of symmetric band matrix A and vector x. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_gauss (double **, double *, double *, int) |
The gauss elimination solver for quardatic matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_lu (double **, double *, double *, int) |
The LU solver for quardatic matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_cholesky (double **, double *, double *, int, int) |
The choleksy decomposition solver for quardatic, symmetric positive definite matrices. More... | |
void | G_math_solver_cholesky_sband (double **, double *, double *, int, int) |
Cholesky symmetric band matrix solver for linear equation systems of type Ax = b. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_jacobi (double **, double *, double *, int, int, double, double) |
The iterative jacobi solver for quadratic matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_gs (double **, double *, double *, int, int, double, double) |
The iterative gauss seidel solver for quadratic matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_pcg (double **, double *, double *, int, int, double, int) |
The iterative preconditioned conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_cg (double **, double *, double *, int, int, double) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_cg_sband (double **, double *, double *, int, int, int, double) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite band matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_bicgstab (double **, double *, double *, int, int, double) |
The iterative biconjugate gradients solver with stabilization for unsymmetric non-definite matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_sparse_jacobi (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int, int, double, double) |
The iterative jacobi solver for sparse matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_sparse_gs (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int, int, double, double) |
The iterative gauss seidel solver for sparse matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_sparse_pcg (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int, int, double, int) |
The iterative preconditioned conjugate gradients solver for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_sparse_cg (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int, int, double) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices. More... | |
int | G_math_solver_sparse_bicgstab (G_math_spvector **, double *, double *, int, int, double) |
The iterative biconjugate gradients solver with stabilization for unsymmetric non-definite matrices. More... | |
void | G_math_gauss_elimination (double **, double *, int) |
Gauss elimination. More... | |
void | G_math_lu_decomposition (double **, double *, int) |
int | G_math_cholesky_decomposition (double **, int, int) |
cholesky decomposition for symmetric, positive definite matrices with bandwidth optimization More... | |
void | G_math_cholesky_sband_decomposition (double **, double **, int, int) |
Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric band matrix. More... | |
void | G_math_backward_substitution (double **, double *, double *, int) |
backward substitution More... | |
void | G_math_forward_substitution (double **, double *, double *, int) |
forward substitution More... | |
void | G_math_cholesky_sband_substitution (double **, double *, double *, int, int) |
Forward and backward substitution of a lower tringular symmetric band matrix of A from system Ax = b. More... | |
void | G_math_d_x_dot_y (double *, double *, double *, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y. More... | |
void | G_math_d_asum_norm (double *, double *, int) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_d_euclid_norm (double *, double *, int) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_d_max_norm (double *, double *, int) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_d_ax_by (double *, double *, double *, double, double, int) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them. More... | |
void | G_math_d_copy (double *, double *, int) |
Copy the vector x to y. More... | |
void | G_math_f_x_dot_y (float *, float *, float *, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y. More... | |
void | G_math_f_asum_norm (float *, float *, int) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_f_euclid_norm (float *, float *, int) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_f_max_norm (float *, float *, int) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_f_ax_by (float *, float *, float *, float, float, int) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them. More... | |
void | G_math_f_copy (float *, float *, int) |
Copy the vector x to y. More... | |
void | G_math_i_x_dot_y (int *, int *, double *, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y. More... | |
void | G_math_i_asum_norm (int *, double *, int) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_i_euclid_norm (int *, double *, int) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_i_max_norm (int *, int *, int) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_i_ax_by (int *, int *, int *, int, int, int) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them. More... | |
void | G_math_i_copy (int *, int *, int) |
Copy the vector x to y. More... | |
double | G_math_ddot (double *, double *, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_ddot. More... | |
float | G_math_sdot (float *, float *, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_sdot. More... | |
float | G_math_sdsdot (float *, float *, float, int) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_sdsdot. More... | |
double | G_math_dnrm2 (double *, int) |
Compute the euclidean norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dnrm2. More... | |
double | G_math_dasum (double *, int) |
Compute the absolute sum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dasum. More... | |
double | G_math_idamax (double *, int) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_idamax. More... | |
float | G_math_snrm2 (float *, int) |
Compute the euclidean norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dnrm2. More... | |
float | G_math_sasum (float *, int) |
Compute the absolute sum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dasum. More... | |
float | G_math_isamax (float *, int) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_idamax. More... | |
void | G_math_dscal (double *, double, int) |
Scale vector x with scalar a using the CBLAS routine cblas_dscal. More... | |
void | G_math_sscal (float *, float, int) |
Scale vector x with scalar a using the CBLAS routine cblas_dscal. More... | |
void | G_math_dcopy (double *, double *, int) |
Copy vector x to vector y. More... | |
void | G_math_scopy (float *, float *, int) |
Copy vector x to vector y. More... | |
void | G_math_daxpy (double *, double *, double, int) |
Scale vector x with scalar a and add it to y. More... | |
void | G_math_saxpy (float *, float *, float, int) |
Scale vector x with scalar a and add it to y. More... | |
void | G_math_d_Ax (double **, double *, double *, int, int) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of matrix A and vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_f_Ax (float **, float *, float *, int, int) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of matrix A and vector x. More... | |
void | G_math_d_x_dyad_y (double *, double *, double **, int, int) |
Compute the dyadic product of two vectors. The result is stored in the matrix A. More... | |
void | G_math_f_x_dyad_y (float *, float *, float **, int, int) |
Compute the dyadic product of two vectors. The result is stored in the matrix A. More... | |
void | G_math_d_aAx_by (double **, double *, double *, double, double, double *, int, int) |
Compute the scaled matrix - vector product of matrix double **A and vector x and y. More... | |
void | G_math_f_aAx_by (float **, float *, float *, float, float, float *, int, int) |
Compute the scaled matrix - vector product of matrix A and vectors x and y. More... | |
int | G_math_d_A_T (double **A, int rows) |
Compute the transposition of matrix A. Matrix A will be overwritten. More... | |
int | G_math_f_A_T (float **A, int rows) |
Compute the transposition of matrix A. Matrix A will be overwritten. More... | |
void | G_math_d_aA_B (double **, double **, double, double **, int, int) |
Add two matrices and scale matrix A with the scalar a. More... | |
void | G_math_f_aA_B (float **, float **, float, float **, int, int) |
Add two matrices and scale matrix A with the scalar a. More... | |
void | G_math_d_AB (double **, double **, double **, int, int, int) |
Matrix multiplication. More... | |
void | G_math_f_AB (float **, float **, float **, int, int, int) |
Matrix multiplication. More... | |
int del2g | ( | double * | img[2], |
int | size, | ||
double | w | ||
) |
int fft | ( | int | i_sign, |
double * | DATA[2], | ||
int | NN, | ||
int | dimc, | ||
int | dimr | ||
) |
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array.
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array.
<bNote: If passing real data to fft() forward transform (especially when using fft() in a loop), explicitly (re-)initialize the imaginary part to zero (DATA[1][i] = 0.0). Returns 0.
[in] | i_sign | Direction of transform -1 is normal, +1 is inverse |
[in,out] | DATA | Pointer to complex linear array in row major order containing data and result |
[in] | NN | Value of DATA dimension (dimc * dimr) |
[in] | dimc | Value of image column dimension (max power of 2) |
[in] | dimr | Value of image row dimension (max power of 2) |
Definition at line 122 of file fft.c.
Referenced by del2g().
int fft2 | ( | int | i_sign, |
double(*) | data[2], | ||
int | NN, | ||
int | dimc, | ||
int | dimr | ||
) |
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array.
Fast Fourier Transform for two-dimensional array.
<bNote: If passing real data to fft() forward transform (especially when using fft() in a loop), explicitly (re-)initialize the imaginary part to zero (DATA[1][i] = 0.0). Returns 0.
[in] | i_sign | Direction of transform -1 is normal, +1 is inverse |
[in,out] | data | Pointer to complex linear array in row major order containing data and result |
[in] | NN | Value of DATA dimension (dimc * dimr) |
[in] | dimc | Value of image column dimension (max power of 2) |
[in] | dimr | Value of image row dimension (max power of 2) |
float ** G_alloc_fmatrix | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
float * G_alloc_fvector | ( | size_t | n | ) |
int ** G_alloc_imatrix | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
int * G_alloc_ivector | ( | size_t | n | ) |
double ** G_alloc_matrix | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
double * G_alloc_vector | ( | size_t | n | ) |
Vector matrix memory allocation.
Allocate a vector (array) of n doubles initialized to zero.
[in] | n | size of vector to allocate |
Definition at line 39 of file dalloc.c.
References G_calloc.
Referenced by G_math_solver_sparse_gs(), and G_math_solver_sparse_jacobi().
void G_free_fmatrix | ( | float ** | m | ) |
void G_free_fvector | ( | float * | v | ) |
int G_free_imatrix | ( | int ** | m | ) |
void G_free_ivector | ( | int * | v | ) |
void G_free_matrix | ( | double ** | m | ) |
Matrix memory deallocation.
Deallocate a matrix of doubles.
[in,out] | m | matrix to free |
Definition at line 161 of file dalloc.c.
References G_free(), and NULL.
Referenced by N_free_les().
void G_free_vector | ( | double * | v | ) |
void G_lubksb | ( | double ** | a, |
int | n, | ||
int * | indx, | ||
double | b[] | ||
) |
int G_ludcmp | ( | double ** | a, |
int | n, | ||
int * | indx, | ||
double * | d | ||
) |
G_math_spvector** G_math_A_to_Asp | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows, | ||
double | epsilon | ||
) |
Convert a quadratic matrix into a sparse matrix.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP. It creates its own parallel OpenMP region.
A | (double **) |
rows | (int) |
epsilon | (double) – non-zero values are greater then epsilon |
Definition at line 260 of file sparse_matrix.c.
int G_math_add_spvector | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
G_math_spvector * | spvector, | ||
int | row | ||
) |
Adds a sparse vector to a sparse matrix at position row.
Return 1 for success and -1 for failure
Asp | G_math_spvector ** |
spvector | G_math_spvector * |
row | int |
Definition at line 35 of file sparse_matrix.c.
G_math_spvector** G_math_alloc_spmatrix | ( | int | rows | ) |
Allocate memory for a sparse matrix.
rows | int |
Definition at line 59 of file sparse_matrix.c.
G_math_spvector* G_math_alloc_spvector | ( | int | cols | ) |
Allocate memory for a sparse vector.
cols | int |
Definition at line 77 of file sparse_matrix.c.
References G_math_spvector::cols, G_calloc, G_debug(), G_math_spvector::index, and G_math_spvector::values.
double** G_math_Asp_to_A | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Convert a sparse matrix into a quadratic matrix.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP. It creates its own parallel OpenMP region.
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 181 of file sparse_matrix.c.
double** G_math_Asp_to_sband_matrix | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Convert a symmetric sparse matrix into a symmetric band matrix.
Symmetric matrix with bandwidth of 3 5 2 1 0 2 5 2 1 1 2 5 2 0 1 2 5 will be converted into the band matrix 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 0 5 0 0
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) |
Definition at line 224 of file sparse_matrix.c.
void G_math_Ax_sband | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of symmetric band matrix A and vector x.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
y = A * x
A | (double **) |
x | (double) *) |
y | (double * ) |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) |
Definition at line 123 of file symmetric_band_matrix.c.
void G_math_Ax_sparse | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of sparse matrix **Asp and vector x.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
y = A * x
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) |
x | (double) *) |
y | (double * ) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 369 of file sparse_matrix.c.
Referenced by N_les_integrate_dirichlet_2d(), and N_les_integrate_dirichlet_3d().
void G_math_backward_substitution | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
backward substitution
A | double ** |
x | double * |
b | double * |
rows | int |
Definition at line 286 of file solvers_direct.c.
int G_math_cholesky_decomposition | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
cholesky decomposition for symmetric, positive definite matrices with bandwidth optimization
The provided matrix will be overwritten with the lower and upper triangle matrix A = LL^T
A | double ** |
rows | int |
bandwidth | int – the bandwidth of the matrix (0 > bandwidth <= cols) |
Definition at line 217 of file solvers_direct.c.
void G_math_cholesky_sband_decomposition | ( | double ** | A, |
double ** | T, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric band matrix.
A | (double**) the input symmetric band matrix |
T | (double**) the resulting lower tringular symmetric band matrix |
rows | (int) number of rows |
bandwidth | (int) the bandwidth of the symmetric band matrix |
Definition at line 18 of file solvers_direct_cholesky_band.c.
void G_math_cholesky_sband_substitution | ( | double ** | T, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Forward and backward substitution of a lower tringular symmetric band matrix of A from system Ax = b.
T | (double**) the lower triangle symmetric band matrix |
x | (double*) the resulting vector |
b | (double*) the right hand side of Ax = b |
rows | (int) number of rows |
bandwidth | (int) the bandwidth of the symmetric band matrix |
Definition at line 94 of file solvers_direct_cholesky_band.c.
int G_math_complex_mult | ( | double * | v1[2], |
int | size1, | ||
double * | v2[2], | ||
int | size2, | ||
double * | v3[2], | ||
int | size3 | ||
) |
int G_math_d_A_T | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the transposition of matrix A. Matrix A will be overwritten.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
Returns 0.
A | (double **) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 342 of file blas_level_2.c.
void G_math_d_aA_B | ( | double ** | A, |
double ** | B, | ||
double | a, | ||
double ** | C, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Add two matrices and scale matrix A with the scalar a.
In case B == NULL, matrix A will be scaled by scalar a.
In case a == 1.0, a simple matrix addition is performed.
In case a == -1.0 matrix A is subtracted from matrix B.
The result is written into matrix C.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (double **) |
B | (double **) if NULL, matrix A is scaled by scalar a only |
a | (double) |
C | (double **) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 49 of file blas_level_3.c.
void G_math_d_aAx_by | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
double | a, | ||
double | b, | ||
double * | z, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the scaled matrix - vector product of matrix double **A and vector x and y.
z = a * A * x + b * y
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (double **) |
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
a | (double) |
b | (double) |
z | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 182 of file blas_level_2.c.
void G_math_d_AB | ( | double ** | A, |
double ** | B, | ||
double ** | C, | ||
int | rows_A, | ||
int | cols_A, | ||
int | cols_B | ||
) |
Matrix multiplication.
The result is written into matrix C.
A must be of size rows_A * cols_A B must be of size rows_B * cols_B with rows_B == cols_A C must be of size rows_A * cols_B
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (double **) |
B | (double **) |
C | (double **) |
rows_A | (int) |
cols_A | (int) |
cols_B | (int) |
Definition at line 172 of file blas_level_3.c.
void G_math_d_asum_norm | ( | double * | x, |
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (double *)– the vector |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 111 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_dasum().
void G_math_d_Ax | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of matrix A and vector x.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
y = A * x
A | (double ** ) |
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 46 of file blas_level_2.c.
Referenced by N_les_integrate_dirichlet_2d(), and N_les_integrate_dirichlet_3d().
void G_math_d_ax_by | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
double * | z, | ||
double | a, | ||
double | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
z | (double *) |
a | (double) |
b | (double) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 173 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_d_copy | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Copy the vector x to y.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 237 of file blas_level_1.c.
References x.
Referenced by G_math_dcopy().
void G_math_d_euclid_norm | ( | double * | x, |
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (double *) – the vector |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 79 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_dnrm2().
void G_math_d_max_norm | ( | double * | x, |
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (double *)– the vector |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 141 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_idamax().
void G_math_d_x_dot_y | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 47 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_ddot().
void G_math_d_x_dyad_y | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
double ** | A, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the dyadic product of two vectors. The result is stored in the matrix A.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A = x * y^T
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
A | (float **) – matrix of size rows*cols |
rows | (int) – length of vector x |
cols | (int) – length of vector y |
Definition at line 116 of file blas_level_2.c.
double G_math_dasum | ( | double * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the absolute sum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dasum.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_asum_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 123 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_d_asum_norm(), and x.
void G_math_daxpy | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
double | a, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scale vector x with scalar a and add it to y.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_ax_by, the grass implementatiom
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
a | (double) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 225 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_dcopy | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Copy vector x to vector y.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_copy
x | (double *) |
y | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 197 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_d_copy(), and x.
double G_math_ddot | ( | double * | x, |
double * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_ddot.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_x_dot_y, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 46 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_d_x_dot_y(), and x.
double G_math_dnrm2 | ( | double * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the euclidean norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dnrm2.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_euclid_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 98 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_d_euclid_norm(), and x.
void G_math_dscal | ( | double * | x, |
double | a, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scale vector x with scalar a using the CBLAS routine cblas_dscal.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_ax_by, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (double *) |
a | (double) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 174 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
int G_math_egvorder | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | z, | ||
long | bands | ||
) |
Definition at line 8 of file eigen_tools.c.
void G_math_eigen | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | ev, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A.
The input and output matrices are related by
A = E*D*E~ where D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues D[i,j] = ev[i] if i=j and 0 otherwise.
The columns of E are the eigenvectors.
a | = pointer to store for symmetric n by n input matrix A. The computation overloads this with an orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors E. |
ev | = pointer to the array of the output eigenvalues |
n | = dimension parameter (dim(a)= n*n, dim(ev)= n) |
Definition at line 306 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
void G_math_eigval | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | ev, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix A.
a | = pointer to array of symmetric n by n input matrix A. The computation alters these values. |
ev | = pointer to array of the output eigenvalues |
n | = dimension parameter (dim(a)= n*n, dim(ev)= n) |
Definition at line 284 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
double G_math_evmax | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | u, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 322 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_f_A_T | ( | float ** | A, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the transposition of matrix A. Matrix A will be overwritten.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
Returns 0.
A | (float **) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 376 of file blas_level_2.c.
void G_math_f_aA_B | ( | float ** | A, |
float ** | B, | ||
float | a, | ||
float ** | C, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Add two matrices and scale matrix A with the scalar a.
In case B == NULL, matrix A will be scaled by scalar a.
In case a == 1.0, a simple matrix addition is performed.
In case a == -1.0 matrix A is subtracted from matrix B.
The result is written into matrix C.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (float **) |
B | (float **) if NULL, matrix A is scaled by scalar a only |
a | (float) |
C | (float **) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 112 of file blas_level_3.c.
void G_math_f_aAx_by | ( | float ** | A, |
float * | x, | ||
float * | y, | ||
float | a, | ||
float | b, | ||
float * | z, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the scaled matrix - vector product of matrix A and vectors x and y.
z = a * A * x + b * y
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (float **) |
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
a | (float) |
b | (float) |
z | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 265 of file blas_level_2.c.
void G_math_f_AB | ( | float ** | A, |
float ** | B, | ||
float ** | C, | ||
int | rows_A, | ||
int | cols_A, | ||
int | cols_B | ||
) |
Matrix multiplication.
The result is written into matrix C.
A must be of size rows_A * cols_A B must be of size rows_B * cols_B with rows_B == cols_A C must be of size rows_A * cols_B
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A | (float **) |
B | (float **) |
C | (float **) |
rows_A | (int) |
cols_A | (int) |
cols_B | (int) |
Definition at line 214 of file blas_level_3.c.
void G_math_f_asum_norm | ( | float * | x, |
float * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (float *)– the vector |
value | (float *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 328 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_sasum().
void G_math_f_Ax | ( | float ** | A, |
float * | x, | ||
float * | y, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the matrix - vector product of matrix A and vector x.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
y = A * x
A | (float ** ) |
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
cols | (int) |
Definition at line 81 of file blas_level_2.c.
void G_math_f_ax_by | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
float * | z, | ||
float | a, | ||
float | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
z | (float *) |
a | (float) |
b | (float) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 390 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_f_copy | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Copy the vector x to y.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 453 of file blas_level_1.c.
References x.
Referenced by G_math_scopy().
void G_math_f_euclid_norm | ( | float * | x, |
float * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (double *) – the vector |
value | (float *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 296 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_snrm2().
void G_math_f_max_norm | ( | float * | x, |
float * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (float *)– the vector |
value | (float *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 358 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_isamax().
void G_math_f_x_dot_y | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
float * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
value | (float *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 264 of file blas_level_1.c.
Referenced by G_math_sdot().
void G_math_f_x_dyad_y | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
float ** | A, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Compute the dyadic product of two vectors. The result is stored in the matrix A.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
A = x * y^T
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
A | (float **= – matrix of size rows*cols |
rows | (int) – length of vector x |
cols | (int) – length of vector y |
Definition at line 147 of file blas_level_2.c.
int G_math_findzc | ( | double | conv[], |
int | size, | ||
double | zc[], | ||
double | thresh, | ||
int | num_orients | ||
) |
Finds locations and orientations of zero crossings.
Finds the locations and orientations of zero crossings in the input array conv, which is the result of the convolution of the Marr-Hildreth operator with the image. The output array is zc, which is non-zero only at zero crossing pixels. At those pixels, the value is 1 + (orientation), where orientation is a value from 0 to num_orients.
[in] | conv | input |
[in] | size | size of largest matrix column or row |
[out] | zc | output |
[in] | thresh | magnitude threshold |
[in] | num_orients |
void G_math_forward_substitution | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
forward substitution
A | double ** |
x | double * |
b | double * |
rows | int |
Definition at line 310 of file solvers_direct.c.
void G_math_free_spmatrix | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Release the memory of the sparse matrix.
Asp | G_math_spvector ** |
rows | int |
Definition at line 122 of file sparse_matrix.c.
References G_free(), G_math_free_spvector(), and NULL.
Referenced by N_free_les().
void G_math_free_spvector | ( | G_math_spvector * | spvector | ) |
Release the memory of the sparse vector.
spvector | G_math_spvector * |
Definition at line 99 of file sparse_matrix.c.
References G_free(), G_math_spvector::index, NULL, and G_math_spvector::values.
Referenced by G_math_free_spmatrix().
void G_math_gauss_elimination | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Gauss elimination.
To run this solver efficiently, no pivoting is supported. The matrix will be overwritten with the decomposite form
A | double ** |
b | double * |
rows | int |
Definition at line 153 of file solvers_direct.c.
void G_math_i_asum_norm | ( | int * | x, |
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the asum norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (int *)– the vector |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 544 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_i_ax_by | ( | int * | x, |
int * | y, | ||
int * | z, | ||
int | a, | ||
int | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scales vectors x and y with the scalars a and b and adds them.
This function is multi-threaded with OpenMP and can be called within a parallel OpenMP region.
x | (int *) |
y | (int *) |
z | (int *) |
a | (int) |
b | (int) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 606 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_i_copy | ( | int * | x, |
int * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Copy the vector x to y.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (int *) |
y | (int *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 669 of file blas_level_1.c.
References x.
void G_math_i_euclid_norm | ( | int * | x, |
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the euclid norm of vector x.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (int *) – the vector |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 512 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_i_max_norm | ( | int * | x, |
int * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x.
This function is not multi-threaded
x | (int *)– the vector |
value | (int *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 574 of file blas_level_1.c.
void G_math_i_x_dot_y | ( | int * | x, |
int * | y, | ||
double * | value, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y.
The functions creates its own parallel OpenMP region. It can be called within a parallel OpenMP region if nested parallelism is supported by the compiler.
x | (int *) |
y | (int *) |
value | (double *) – the return value |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 480 of file blas_level_1.c.
double G_math_idamax | ( | double * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_idamax.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_d_max_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (double *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 148 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_d_max_norm(), and x.
float G_math_isamax | ( | float * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the maximum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_idamax.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_max_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 331 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_f_max_norm(), and x.
void G_math_lu_decomposition | ( | double ** | , |
double * | , | ||
int | |||
) |
double** G_math_matrix_to_sband_matrix | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Convert a symmetrix matrix into a symmetric band matrix.
Symmetric matrix with bandwidth of 3 5 2 1 0 2 5 2 1 1 2 5 2 0 1 2 5 will be converted into the symmetric band matrix 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 0 5 0 0
A | (double**) the symmetric matrix |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) |
Definition at line 34 of file symmetric_band_matrix.c.
long G_math_max_pow2 | ( | long | n | ) |
Finds least power of 2 >= n
Finds least power of 2 >= n.
[in] | n |
Definition at line 15 of file max_pow2.c.
long G_math_min_pow2 | ( | long | n | ) |
Finds largest power of 2 <= n
Finds largest power of 2 <= n.
[in] | n |
Definition at line 42 of file max_pow2.c.
int G_math_minv | ( | double ** | a, |
int | n | ||
) |
Invert (in place) a general real matrix A -> Inv(A).
a | = array containing the input matrix A. This is converted to the inverse matrix. |
n | = dimension of the system (i.e. A is n x n ) |
Definition at line 239 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
void G_math_print_spmatrix | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
int | rows | ||
) |
print the sparse matrix Asp to stdout
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 147 of file sparse_matrix.c.
References G_math_spvector::cols.
int G_math_psinv | ( | double ** | a, |
int | n | ||
) |
Invert (in place) a symmetric real matrix, V -> Inv(V).
The input matrix V is symmetric (V[i,j] = V[j,i]).
a | = array containing a symmetric input matrix. This is converted to the inverse matrix. |
n | = dimension of the system (dim(v)=n*n) |
Definition at line 252 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
float G_math_rand | ( | void | ) |
double G_math_rand_gauss | ( | double | sigma | ) |
Definition at line 16 of file gauss.c.
References G_math_rand(), and x.
int G_math_ruinv | ( | double ** | a, |
int | n | ||
) |
Invert an upper right triangular matrix T -> Inv(T).
a | = pointer to array of upper right triangular matrix, This is replaced by the inverse matrix. |
n | = dimension (dim(a)=n*n) |
Definition at line 264 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
float G_math_sasum | ( | float * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the absolute sum norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dasum.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_asum_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 306 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_f_asum_norm(), and x.
void G_math_saxpy | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
float | a, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scale vector x with scalar a and add it to y.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_ax_by, the grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
a | (float) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 409 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
G_math_spvector** G_math_sband_matrix_to_Asp | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth, | ||
double | epsilon | ||
) |
Convert a symmetric band matrix into a sparse matrix.
WARNING: This function is experimental, do not use. Only the upper triangle matrix of the band structure is copied.
A | (double **) the symmetric band matrix |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) |
epsilon | (double) – non-zero values are greater then epsilon |
Definition at line 309 of file sparse_matrix.c.
double** G_math_sband_matrix_to_matrix | ( | double ** | A, |
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Convert a symmetric band matrix into a symmetric matrix.
Such a symmetric band matrix with banwidth 3 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 0 5 0 0 Will be converted into this symmetric matrix 5 2 1 0 2 5 2 1 1 2 5 2 0 1 2 5
A | (double**) the symmetric band matrix |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) |
Definition at line 80 of file symmetric_band_matrix.c.
void G_math_scopy | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Copy vector x to vector y.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_copy, the grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 381 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_f_copy(), and x.
float G_math_sdot | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_sdot.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_x_dot_y, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 256 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_f_x_dot_y(), and x.
float G_math_sdsdot | ( | float * | x, |
float * | y, | ||
float | a, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the dot product of vector x and y using the CBLAS routine cblas_sdsdot.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_x_dot_y, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
y | (float *) |
a | (float) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 73 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
float G_math_snrm2 | ( | float * | x, |
int | rows | ||
) |
Compute the euclidean norm of vector x using the CBLAS routine cblas_dnrm2.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_euclid_norm, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 281 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
References G_math_f_euclid_norm(), and x.
int G_math_solv | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | b, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Solve a general linear system A*x = b.
Documentation and ccmath library version 2.2.1 by Daniel A. Atkinson
Chapter 1 LINEAR ALGEBRA Summary The matrix algebra library contains functions that perform the standard computations of linear algebra. General areas covered are: o Solution of Linear Systems o Matrix Inversion o Eigensystem Analysis o Matrix Utility Operations o Singular Value Decomposition The operations covered here are fundamental to many areas of mathematics and statistics. Thus, functions in this library segment are called by other library functions. Both real and complex valued matrices are covered by functions in the first four of these categories.
Notes on Contents
Functions in this library segment provide the basic operations of
numerical linear algebra and some useful utility functions for operations on vectors and matrices. The following list describes the functions available for operations with real-valued matrices.
o Solving and Inverting Linear Systems:
solv ------— solve a general system of real linear equations. solvps ----— solve a real symmetric linear system. solvru ----— solve a real right upper triangular linear system. solvtd ----— solve a tridiagonal real linear system.
minv ------— invert a general real square matrix. psinv -----— invert a real symmetric matrix. ruinv -----— invert a right upper triangular matrix.
The solution of a general linear system and efficient algorithms for
solving special systems with symmetric and tridiagonal matrices are provided by these functions. The general solution function employs a LU factorization with partial pivoting and it is very robust. It will work efficiently on any problem that is not ill-conditioned. The symmetric matrix solution is based on a modified Cholesky factorization. It is best used on positive definite matrices that do not require pivoting for numeric stability. Tridiagonal solvers require order-N operations (N = dimension). Thus, they are highly recommended for this important class of sparse systems. Two matrix inversion routines are provided. The general inversion function is again LU based. It is suitable for use on any stable (ie. well-conditioned) problem. The Cholesky based symmetric matrix inversion is efficient and safe for use on matrices known to be positive definite, such as the variance matrices encountered in statistical computations. Both the solver and the inverse functions are designed to enhance data locality. They are very effective on modern microprocessors.
o Eigensystem Analysis:
eigen ---— extract all eigen values and vectors of a real symmetric matrix. eigval --— extract the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix. evmax ---— compute the eigen value of maximum absolute magnitude and its corresponding vector for a symmetric matrix.
Eigensystem functions operate on real symmetric matrices. Two forms of
the general eigen routine are provided because the computation of eigen values only is much faster when vectors are not required. The basic algorithms use a Householder reduction to tridiagonal form followed by QR iterations with shifts to enhance convergence. This has become the accepted standard for symmetric eigensystem computation. The evmax function uses an efficient iterative power method algorithm to extract the eigen value of maximum absolute size and the corresponding eigenvector.
o Singular Value Decomposition:
svdval --— compute the singular values of a m by n real matrix. sv2val --— compute the singular values of a real matrix efficiently for m >> n. svduv ---— compute the singular values and the transformation matrices u and v for a real m by n matrix. sv2uv ---— compute the singular values and transformation matrices efficiently for m >> n. svdu1v --— compute the singular values and transformation matrices u1 and v, where u1 overloads the input with the first n column vectors of u. sv2u1v --— compute the singular values and the transformation matrices u1 and v efficiently for m >> n.
Singular value decomposition is extremely useful when dealing with linear
systems that may be singular. Singular values with values near zero are flags of a potential rank deficiency in the system matrix. They can be used to identify the presence of an ill-conditioned problem and, in some cases, to deal with the potential instability. They are applied to the linear least squares problem in this library. Singular values also define some important matrix norm parameters such as the 2-norm and the condition value. A complete decomposition provides both singular values and an orthogonal decomposition of vector spaces related to the matrix identifying the range and null-space. Fortunately, a highly stable algorithm based on Householder reduction to bidiagonal form and QR rotations can be used to implement the decomposition. The library provides two forms with one more efficient when the dimensions satisfy m > (3/2)n.
General Technical Comments
Efficient computation with matrices on modern processors must be
adapted to the storage scheme employed for matrix elements. The functions of this library segment do not employ the multidimensional array intrinsic of the C language. Access to elements employs the simple row-major scheme described here.
Matrices are modeled by the library functions as arrays with elements
stored in row order. Thus, the element in the jth row and kth column of the n by n matrix M, stored in the array mat[], is addressed by
M[j,k] = mat[n*j+k] , with 0 =< j,k <= n-1 .
(Remember that C employs zero as the starting index.) The storage order has important implications for data locality.
The algorithms employed here all have excellent numerical stability, and
the default double precision arithmetic of C enhances this. Thus, any problems encountered in using the matrix algebra functions will almost certainly be due to an ill-conditioned matrix. (The Hilbert matrices,
H[i,j] = 1/(1+i+j) for i,j < n
form a good example of such ill-conditioned systems.) We remind the reader that the appropriate response to such ill-conditioning is to seek an alternative approach to the problem. The option of increasing precision has already been exploited. Modification of the linear algebra algorithm code is not normally effective in an ill-conditioned problem.
a | = array containing system matrix A in row order (altered to L-U factored form by computation) |
b | = array containing system vector b at entry and solution vector x at exit |
n | = dimension of system |
Definition at line 184 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_solver_bicgstab | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err | ||
) |
The iterative biconjugate gradients solver with stabilization for unsymmetric non-definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with regular quadratic matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | (double **) – the matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 550 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_cg | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err | ||
) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with symmetric positive definite regular quadratic matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | (double **) – the matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 319 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_cg_sband | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err | ||
) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite band matrices.
This iterative solver works with symmetric positive definite band matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | (double **) – the symmetric positive definite band matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
bandwidth | (int) – the bandwidth of matrix A |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 350 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_cholesky | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | bandwidth, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
The choleksy decomposition solver for quardatic, symmetric positive definite matrices.
This solver does not support sparse matrices The matrix A will be overwritten. The result is written to the vector x
A | double ** |
x | double * |
b | double * |
bandwidth | int – the bandwidth of the band matrix, if unsure set to rows |
rows | int |
Definition at line 124 of file solvers_direct.c.
void G_math_solver_cholesky_sband | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | bandwidth | ||
) |
Cholesky symmetric band matrix solver for linear equation systems of type Ax = b.
A | (double**) the input symmetric band matrix |
x | (double*) the resulting vector, result is written in here |
b | (double*) the right hand side of Ax = b |
rows | (int) number of rows |
bandwidth | (int) the bandwidth of the symmetric band matrix |
Definition at line 65 of file solvers_direct_cholesky_band.c.
int G_math_solver_gauss | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
The gauss elimination solver for quardatic matrices.
This solver does not support sparse matrices The matrix A will be overwritten. The result is written to the vector x
A | double ** |
x | double * |
b | double * |
rows | int |
Definition at line 42 of file solvers_direct.c.
int G_math_solver_gs | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | sor, | ||
double | error | ||
) |
The iterative gauss seidel solver for quadratic matrices.
The Jacobi solver solves the linear equation system Ax = b The result is written to the vector x.
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | double ** – the dense matrix |
x | double * – the vector of unknowns |
b | double * – the right side vector |
rows | int – number of rows |
maxit | int – the maximum number of iterations |
sor | double – defines the successive overrelaxion parameter [0:2] |
error | double – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 257 of file solvers_classic_iter.c.
int G_math_solver_jacobi | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | sor, | ||
double | error | ||
) |
The iterative jacobi solver for quadratic matrices.
The Jacobi solver solves the linear equation system Ax = b The result is written to the vector x.
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | double ** – the dense matrix |
x | double * – the vector of unknowns |
b | double * – the right side vector |
rows | int – number of rows |
maxit | int – the maximum number of iterations |
sor | double – defines the successive overrelaxion parameter [0:1] |
error | double – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 198 of file solvers_classic_iter.c.
int G_math_solver_lu | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
The LU solver for quardatic matrices.
This solver does not support sparse matrices The matrix A will be overwritten. The result is written to the vector x in the G_math_les structure
A | double ** |
x | double * |
b | double * |
rows | int |
Definition at line 66 of file solvers_direct.c.
int G_math_solver_pcg | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err, | ||
int | prec | ||
) |
The iterative preconditioned conjugate gradients solver for symmetric positive definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with symmetric positive definite regular quadratic matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
A | (double **) – the matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
prec | (int) – the preconditioner which should be used 1,2 or 3 |
Definition at line 65 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_sparse_bicgstab | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err | ||
) |
The iterative biconjugate gradients solver with stabilization for unsymmetric non-definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with sparse matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) – the sparse matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 580 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_sparse_cg | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err | ||
) |
The iterative conjugate gradients solver for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with symmetric positive definite sparse matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) – the sparse matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 380 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solver_sparse_gs | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | sor, | ||
double | error | ||
) |
The iterative gauss seidel solver for sparse matrices.
The Jacobi solver solves the linear equation system Ax = b The result is written to the vector x.
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
Asp | G_math_spvector ** – the sparse matrix |
x | double * – the vector of unknowns |
b | double * – the right side vector |
rows | int – number of rows |
maxit | int – the maximum number of iterations |
sor | double – defines the successive overrelaxion parameter [0:2] |
error | double – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 122 of file solvers_classic_iter.c.
References _, assert, b, G_math_spvector::cols, err(), G_alloc_vector(), G_free(), G_message(), G_math_spvector::index, G_math_spvector::values, and x.
int G_math_solver_sparse_jacobi | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | sor, | ||
double | error | ||
) |
The iterative jacobi solver for sparse matrices.
The Jacobi solver solves the linear equation system Ax = b The result is written to the vector x.
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
Asp | G_math_spvector ** – the sparse matrix |
x | double * – the vector of unknowns |
b | double * – the right side vector |
rows | int – number of rows |
maxit | int – the maximum number of iterations |
sor | double – defines the successive overrelaxion parameter [0:1] |
error | double – defines the error break criteria |
Definition at line 48 of file solvers_classic_iter.c.
References _, assert, b, G_math_spvector::cols, err(), G_alloc_vector(), G_free(), G_message(), G_math_spvector::index, G_math_spvector::values, and x.
int G_math_solver_sparse_pcg | ( | G_math_spvector ** | Asp, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | b, | ||
int | rows, | ||
int | maxit, | ||
double | err, | ||
int | prec | ||
) |
The iterative preconditioned conjugate gradients solver for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices.
This iterative solver works with symmetric positive definite sparse matrices.
This solver solves the linear equation system: A x = b
The parameter maxit specifies the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum is reached, the solver will abort the calculation and writes the current result into the vector x. The parameter err defines the error break criteria for the solver.
Asp | (G_math_spvector **) – the sparse matrix |
x | (double *) – the value vector |
b | (double *) – the right hand side |
rows | (int) |
maxit | (int) – the maximum number of iterations |
err | (double) – defines the error break criteria |
prec | (int) – the preconditioner which should be used 1,2 or 3 |
Definition at line 133 of file solvers_krylov.c.
int G_math_solvps | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | b, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Solve a symmetric positive definite linear system S*x = b.
a | = array containing system matrix S (altered to Cholesky upper right factor by computation) |
b | = array containing system vector b as input and solution vector x as output |
n | = dimension of system |
Definition at line 197 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_solvru | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | b, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 227 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
void G_math_solvtd | ( | double * | a, |
double * | b, | ||
double * | c, | ||
double * | x, | ||
int | m | ||
) |
Solve a tridiagonal linear system M*x = y.
a | = array containing m+1 diagonal elements of M |
b | = array of m elements below the main diagonal of M |
c | = array of m elements above the main diagonal |
x | = array containing the system vector y initially, and the solution vector at exit (m+1 elements) |
m | = dimension parameter ( M is (m+1)x(m+1) ) |
Definition at line 213 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
void G_math_srand | ( | int | seed | ) |
Seed the pseudo-random number generator.
seedval | 32-bit integer used to seed the PRNG |
Definition at line 27 of file rand1.c.
References G_srand48().
int G_math_srand_auto | ( | void | ) |
Seed the pseudo-random number generator from the time and PID.
Definition at line 38 of file rand1.c.
References G_srand48_auto().
void G_math_sscal | ( | float * | x, |
float | a, | ||
int | rows | ||
) |
Scale vector x with scalar a using the CBLAS routine cblas_dscal.
If grass was not compiled with CBLAS support it will call G_math_f_ax_by, the OpenMP multi threaded grass implementatiom
x | (float *) |
a | (float) |
rows | (int) |
Definition at line 357 of file CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c.
int G_math_sv2uv | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | a, | ||
double ** | u, | ||
int | m, | ||
double ** | v, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute the singular value transformation when m >> n.
d | = pointer to double array of dimension n (output = singular values of A) |
a | = pointer to store of the m by n input matrix A (A is altered by the computation) |
u | = pointer to store for m by m orthogonal matrix U |
v | = pointer to store for n by n orthogonal matrix V |
m | = number of rows in A |
n | = number of columns in A (m>=n required) |
Definition at line 447 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_sv2val | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | a, | ||
int | m, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute singular values when m >> n.
d | = pointer to double array of dimension n (output = singular values of A) |
a | = pointer to store of the m by n input matrix A (A is altered by the computation) |
m | = number of rows in A |
n | = number of columns in A (m>=n required) |
Definition at line 416 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_svdu1v | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | a, | ||
int | m, | ||
double ** | v, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute the singular value transformation with A overloaded by the partial U-matrix.
d | = pointer to double array of dimension n (output = singular values of A) |
a | = pointer to store of the m by n input matrix A (At output a is overloaded by the matrix U1 whose n columns are orthogonal vectors equal to the first n columns of U.) |
v | = pointer to store for n by n orthogonal matrix V |
m | = number of rows in A |
n | = number of columns in A (m>=n required) |
Definition at line 467 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_svduv | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | a, | ||
double ** | u, | ||
int | m, | ||
double ** | v, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 431 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.
int G_math_svdval | ( | double * | d, |
double ** | a, | ||
int | m, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Compute the singular values of a real m by n matrix A.
d | = pointer to double array of dimension n (output = singular values of A) |
a | = pointer to store of the m by n input matrix A (A is altered by the computation) |
m | = number of rows in A |
n | = number of columns in A (m>=n required) |
Definition at line 401 of file ccmath_grass_wrapper.c.