8 const struct pj_info *,
double *,
double *,
double *);
10 const struct pj_info *,
double *,
double *,
44 struct Key_Value **, OGRSpatialReferenceH,
char * GPJ_grass_to_wkt(const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *, int, int)
Converts a GRASS co-ordinate system representation to WKT style.
const char * GPJ_set_csv_loc(const char *)
struct gpj_datum_transform_list * GPJ_get_datum_transform_by_name(const char *)
Internal function to find all possible sets of transformation parameters for a particular datum.
int GPJ_transform(const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *, int, double *, double *, double *)
Re-project a point between two co-ordinate systems using a transformation object prepared with GPJ_pr...
void GPJ_free_datum(struct gpj_datum *)
Free the memory used for the strings in a gpj_datum struct.
int GPJ_init_transform(const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *, struct pj_info *)
Create a PROJ transformation object to transform coordinates from an input SRS to an output SRS.
int GPJ_transform_array(const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *, int, double *, double *, double *, int)
Re-project an array of points between two co-ordinate systems using a transformation object prepared ...
int GPJ_get_ellipsoid_by_name(const char *, struct gpj_ellps *)
Looks up ellipsoid in ellipsoid table and returns the a, e2 parameters for the ellipsoid.
int GPJ_get_datum_by_name(const char *, struct gpj_datum *)
Look up a string in datum.table file to see if it is a valid datum name and if so place its informati...
void GPJ_free_ellps(struct gpj_ellps *)
Free ellipsoid data structure.
int GPJ_get_default_datum_params_by_name(const char *, char **)
"Last resort" function to retrieve a "default" set of datum parameters for a datum (N....
int pj_get_string(struct pj_info *, char *)
Create a pj_info struct Co-ordinate System definition from a string with a sequence of key=value pair...
int pj_factors(LP, void *, double, struct FACTORS *)
int GPJ_wkt_to_grass(struct Cell_head *, struct Key_Value **, struct Key_Value **, const char *, int)
Converts a WKT projection description to a GRASS co-ordinate system.
int GPJ__get_datum_params(const struct Key_Value *, char **, char **)
Extract the datum transformation-related parameters from a set of general PROJ_INFO parameters.
int pj_get_kv(struct pj_info *, const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *)
Create a pj_info struct Co-ordinate System definition from a set of PROJ_INFO / PROJ_UNITS-style key-...
OGRSpatialReferenceH GPJ_grass_to_osr(const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *)
Converts a GRASS co-ordinate system to an OGRSpatialReferenceH object.
const char * set_proj_share(const char *)
int pj_do_transform(int, double *, double *, double *, const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *)
Re-project an array of points between two co-ordinate systems with optional ellipsoidal height conver...
int pj_print_proj_params(const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *)
Print projection parameters as used by PROJ.4 for input and output co-ordinate systems.
int pj_do_proj(double *, double *, const struct pj_info *, const struct pj_info *)
Re-project a point between two co-ordinate systems.
OGRSpatialReferenceH GPJ_grass_to_osr2(const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *)
Converts a GRASS co-ordinate system to an OGRSpatialReferenceH object. EPSG code is preferred if avai...
char * GPJ_grass_to_wkt2(const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *, const struct Key_Value *, int, int)
Converts a GRASS co-ordinate system representation to WKT style. EPSG code is preferred if available.
int GPJ_get_ellipsoid_params(double *, double *, double *)
Get the ellipsoid parameters from the database.
int GPJ__get_ellipsoid_params(const struct Key_Value *, double *, double *, double *)
Get the ellipsoid parameters from proj keys structure.
void GPJ_free_datum_transform(struct gpj_datum_transform_list *)
Free the memory used by a gpj_datum_transform_list struct.
int GPJ_get_equivalent_latlong(struct pj_info *, struct pj_info *)
int GPJ_get_datum_params(char **, char **)
Extract the datum transformation-related parameters for the current location.
int GPJ_osr_to_grass(struct Cell_head *, struct Key_Value **, struct Key_Value **, OGRSpatialReferenceH, int)
Converts an OGRSpatialReferenceH object to a GRASS co-ordinate system.
2D/3D raster map header (used also for region)