This directory contains the source code for
GRASS GIS 5.3.x in gzipped tar format.
The large (around 19 MB) file grass-5.3.x.tar.gz is the
officially released GRASS 5.3.x source code in a single file.
Also here: weekly generated CVS snapshots
- snapshot_experimental: experimental tree (HEAD)
- snapshot_release: [currently not supported]
Note: The required temporary space for a full compilation is currently 140MB
(including object.files etc which can be removed later).
The resulting binary package size is between 20MB and 150MB
depending on your system's architecture and on whether the internal
GRASS libraries are compiled static or shared.
To extract do following:
- Create a directory for the source code:
mkdir /opt/src/grass53sources
- Put the package there and extract it (replace "X" with
the current version number of GRASS 5.3.X):
gunzip grass-5.3.X.tar.gz
tar -xvf grass-5.3.X.tar
gunzip grass-5.3.0.tar.gz
tar -xvf grass-5.3.0.tar
This will create the necessary directories and
files for you to compile GRASS.
Compile the source
-> Please read the included INSTALL text for details!
-> Default install path is /usr/local/grass53/
A) If you have "root" access to your machine:
Jump into the new directory "grass-5.3.X" (change X to the current
release number):
cd grass-5.3.X
Now read the INSTALL file.
To compile enter following:
make install
Now the code will be compiled (takes around 1h depending on
processor's speed).
In case of problems read the INSTALL file and/or search the
web archives and/or the FAQ (often the questions were already
B) If you have no "root" access: You can also compile
GRASS locally (replace "user" with your username):
Jump into the new directory "grass-5.3.X" (change X to the current
release number):
cd grass-5.3.X
Then start the process:
./configure --prefix=/home/user/ --with-bindir=/home/user
make install
This will store the GRASS binaries into your local directory
"/home/user/grass53" and the start script into your home.
./configure --prefix=/home/roberta --with-bindir=/home/roberta
make install
Now the code will be compiled (takes around 1h depending on
processor's speed).
Installing single modules from source:
The "configure" process creates two scripts (after "make install"
these scripts will be stored in /usr/local/bin/ if not having used
configure's option "--with-bindir")
gmake53 -i
gmakelinks53 -i
Use script "gmake53" to compile single modules locally, run
"gmakelinks53" afterwards to set internal links for the new module.
The "-i" flag will install them into target directory, so that no
further "make install" is required.
Enjoy ongoing GRASS development!
Help us to improve GRASS. Report problems at our bug report page:
go here!
Send improvements to
Get this file.
Last change:
$Date: 2008-03-27 21:31:14 +0000 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008) $